There Are Far Better Things Ahead

Hello everybody! I’m back with another post. I’m sure most of you have heard of a bucket list or have even made one for yourself. If you haven’t, a bucket list is essentially just a list a person makes of all the things that they hope to do in their lifetime.

I’m excited to share mine with you today!

I originally heard of a bucket list from the movie  The Bucket List(2007), which is by the way a GREAT movie. I loved the idea, and since then I have been continuously adding to my list of “maybe one days.” My ideas range from easy to accomplish, to most likely never going to happen…but hey I’m gonna try! Having this is just an easy way to keep my goals in mind. It’s also a nice little reminder on a rough day that there are far better things ahead.

I hope this inspires you to get started on your own bucket list!

1.) Walk down a red carpet

2.) Travel to all 50 states

3.) Go to The Ellen Show

4.) Meet one of the Kardashians (no judging)

5.) Go to at least 2 of the 7 wonders of the world

6.) Do a back handspring  CHECK!

7.) Be an extra in a movie or television show

8.) Go to New York Fashion Week

9.) Live in another country CHECK!

10.) Meet the beauty vlogger, Zoella

11.) Have a spa weekend at a lodge

12.) Go skiing/snowboarding

13.) Learn to play piano

14.) Have a blog  CHECK!

15.) Go hiking in California

16.) Be front row at a concert

17.) Fly first class

18.) Fly in a private plane

19.) Be a part of a large volunteer project

20.) Own a farm

21.) Be vegetarian for a week

22.) Go to an awards show

23.) Ride a horse on a beach

24.) Go zip-lining in the rainforest

25.) Own a star in the sky


Thanks for reading! See ya soon!

Have a Delightful Day,


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