7 Ways to Productively Spend Your Time

Hey There!


Today I wanted to chat a little about motivation and making the most of your day. Lately I am really struggling with this. I am someone who loves to be busy but if given the chance to nap, I will definitely take it. Being home for the summer can be difficult because I have a lot I could be doing but don’t necessarily have to do. However, at the end of a Netflix filled day, I am caught feeling more unmotivated and lethargic than ever.  For this reason I have started implementing this list to my everyday life. If you want to feel good every single day then you have to do something good every single day. Instead of wasting your free time, why not use it to learn and grow in any way you can?

1. Go to lunch with an old friend

What a perfect excuse to brush your teeth and shower! You can even step it up a notch and put together a cute outfit and just possibly wear some makeup. It’s so nice to catch up with an old friend and see how their life is going. They will be so grateful you took the time to contact them and in turn will make you feel good too.


2. Watch a documentary

I bet I just lost some people at the word “documentary”, but it doesn’t have to be some lame, boring, topic you’re not interested in! You can search Youtube or Netflix and find basically any genre of documentary. This way you’re still getting your lazy time in but educating yourself at the same time. Two of my favorites are Cowspiracy and What The Health.


3. Plan your next travel destination

This is definitely my favorite way to spend my free time. Search for new places you want to visit and all the possible things you could do there! I even go as far to seeing how much flights and Air Bnbs are. Some great places to look for inexpensive flights are Skyscanner, StudentUniverse, or Travelzoo. Investigate and plan so when it’s time to venture to a new place, you’re ready. Next on my travel wishlist? Thailand.

Thailand Pictures

4. Clean out your closet

Okay so not the most fun way to spend your free time but it has to get done! You will be so relieved once it is all clean and organized. You might even find some old pictures and memories along the way!


5. Be a tourist in your own city

Just like so many New Yorker’s have never seen the Statue of Liberty, I bet there are so many places you have not visited in your own city! Google your closest major city or hometown and I’m sure loads of stuff will come up! Walk around, explore, and try a new restaurant. A perfect way to “travel” without all the expenses attached to it.


Root Cafe in Lakewood, OH

6. Wander around a book store

There was a time when my friend and I would do this just about every week. It’ so relaxing and you’ll see books about topics you did not even know existed. End your book store visit by stopping by a cafe and winding down with your favorite drink of choice!

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Phiona’s Coffee Shop, Downtown Willoughby

7. Go to a workout class

There are so many local studios that offer yoga, cycling, boxing, or anything you could really think of! The best part is a lot of these places offer a discounted price for the first class or no price at all! Get your butt out of bed and maybe even drag a friend along with you. You will have more fun laughing at each other than the actual workout!


Thanks for stopping by guys! I truly do believe having a productive day will make for a happier, healthier self.

Have a Delightful Day,



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